Well, today is my 33rd birthday and although I have a nasty sinus/allergy related cold(that I don't think is contagious because neither Jeff nor Preston is sick) I can honestly say that I don't know that I have ever felt more blessed! A perfect example is that on our ride home from Fall Festival, after Preston realized that my birthday was almost over and there had been no birthday cake, he asked his Daddy if Mommy had a birthday cake :) **I DO NOT WANT A BIRTHDAY CAKE! I WOULD EAT THE WHOLE THING!** But how incredibly sweet was it that my little man wanted to make sure my birthday did not pass without what he considers to be the best part....Many thanks again to all of you who have made my birthday so special!
Fall Festival was at our church this afternoon and it was a great time! We were about an hour late because of nap--for Mommy AND Preston, HA!--but we had time to do most all of the activities. Shown are pictures of the hot-air balloon ride, cake walk and pony ride. Of course Preston spent some time in the jumpy, and he and Daddy rode the hayride. We enjoyed our viist with Resa and seeing our church family, and are so grateful to have a Church home that really values family and the nurture of children!
Can't wait to take Buzz out Trick-or-Treating tommorrow night! Hope to have pics up soon thereafter for Nana and Pop :) Hope you have had a great weekend!
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