Monday, October 21, 2013

Squire Creek Fall Festival

You will have to excuse me.  Nowadays, John Cole has his own agenda and loves going around on his "own."  Of course, Preston is all over the place like he has been since the day he was born.  So, when we attend events like Squire Creek Fall Festival I really don't have an extra hand to lug the big camera with.  But I did want to document this super fun night.  I had one of those moments where I looked around at all of the families and children having a great time in the beautiful weather with the gorgeous setting and thought to myself, "what a wonderful world. " I could NOT get some of my pictures to download but I had a great one one John Cole in the jumpy.  He was in there probably an hour total.  The big kids did NOT phase him one bit either...he just grinned bigger.  And Preston really loved the basketball toss.  Santa may have to look into a goal of some sort.  So grateful to for this gorgeous Fall weather...I've had my windows open all day.  And, of course, it is now my favorite time of year :  YOGA PANTS TIME :)  Happy Monday!

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