Monday, October 6, 2014

A September to Remember

Boy was it!  SO sorry I am behind on blogging.  My mom has always told me that although I thought my life would get LESS busy as my boys get older, it does actually seem as if life gets more complicated by the year....and I don't think that's changing anytime soon.  You know what?  I wouldn't have it any other way :)

One of the reasons that I have had very little computer sitting time is that I have been working A LOT!  Someone quit and I've been doing some extra but I'm REALLY hoping to get back to my very limited schedule soon.  We will use the extra money for our two big trips coming up...more on those later..

Back to September.  Well, I was leaving work on a rainy Tuesday afternoon going South on Hwy 33 from Farmerville.  I was not being reckless in the least and all of the sudden I started hydroplaning and completely lost control of my vehicle.  I will NEVER forget that helpless feeling.  I ran off the opposite side of the road, struck a fence--the post from which went through my windshield-and spun to a stop in a cow pasture.  If you look at that picture you can see the board should have severed my head.  Not trying to be morbid, but it should have.  I KNOW that GOD had his hand on me and knew my boys need me here on this earth.  I was pretty shaken up mentally--maybe I still am--but I was PERFECTLY FINE physically and have a renewed faith about my purpose on this earth.  Oh, and I got a new car.  This one wasn't totaled, but I just couldn't get back in it.  I got...drumroll...the same car in a different color!!  I'm so exciting, huh?  Well, I just feel so safe in that big car.

What else have we been doing?  Well, we celebrated Pop's birthday in grand fashion, have been cheering on the Bulldogs, the boys have been doing church choir and Mommy helps out, Preston is playing golf after school on Mondays, has started piano lessons and is doing SO WELL,  has finally gotten mature enough to be up late for Wednesday night church activites (and I go to choir!) and doing Lego after school on Thursdays, John Cole is POTTY TRAINED, we went to see the Chinese acrobats at the Dixie, Preston played in a tennis tournament......oh and Kindergarten and MDO are in full swing.  However, on these gorgeous afternoons you can find the Parkers chilling in the outdoor room or playing catch in the yard.  Loving this sweet time with my boys.

More exciting posts to


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