Saturday, August 20, 2016

Preston is 8!!!

Preston Luke Parker how in the WORLD are you 8 years old??  It just doesn't hardly seem real.  I think the first years don't exactly fly--just being honest---but a wise woman that I have spent a lot of time with over my Mommy years once told me once they get in real school the time FLIES.  And it totally does.  Have to treasure the time I get with you and make the most of school breaks and Summers!

Closed down our Summer with a super fun pool party with the ALL of the boys in the 2nd grade invited.  We had  GREAT turnout--despite the rainy weather--and I am SURE this party will be the talk of the school for weeks to come.

I keep this blog because it is my scrapbook...and so I want to document how I feel right this moment.  I feel sometimes like I could never be a "good enough" mom to you Preston Luke because you are SO special.  We just found out last Spring officially that you are a Gifted student.  And for that I am SOOOO proud.  But that is not even your biggest strength.  You are so humble and kind and loved by everyone and sometimes I literally am blown away by your sweet spirit.  I pray to God to make me the Mom he would have me to me for you.  I know I fall short....every day....but I pray that I can be the Mom He would have me to be to you...because you are truly a gift from Him in every way.  I LOVE YOU PRESTON LUKE!  Happy Birthday!!

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