The mouse ran up the clock! WHEW! Preston's mouse costume arrived today JUST IN TIME for the nursery rhyme parade at school tommorrow :) He can say the rhyme-but refuses to do it on video so you will just have to take my word for it. YAY for Express Shipping!
Not to much to report around here. I have been working a good bit covering a vacation for a Pharmacist in Ruston. Glad to have the work and glad my sweet sitters can keep my boys. That part of my life is working very well right now.
The only bad news I have to report is that I had to take John Cole (aka little Jeff) in to see Dr. Moak today for an eye infection. He had literally only had it for a couple of hours, and she wanted to check his ears to make sure the gunk was not a manifestation of an ear infection (which it wasn't!). So, we got antibiotic/steroid eye drops and should be good to go in 36 hours.
Off to cook supper. Jeff and I are having my last official Body Back meal of spinach P has talked me into waffles with syrup and oranges. Oh well, at least they are whole wheat :)
Happy Day!
**Addendum to post***
I was just thinking that you may think I never take John Cole out of his bouncy seat. Really, I do. It's just at home he hangs out in it A LOT and I just wanted to get a pic of him too :)
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