In hindsight, scheduling a trip to the middle of nowhere Texas 4+ hours away from St. Francis 37 1/2 weeks pregnant was NOT the smartest decision I have ever made. But, if you have spent any time with Preston, you know riding on a real train is just about the greatest thing he can imagine so I booked a ride on the Polar Express for November 19th. Well, shortly thereafter Jeff said he was going hunting that weekend, so Nana volunteered to be my companion for the trip. After seeing the OB Tuesday, no one would hear of me making a go of it so Nana and K-K were going to take him....UNTIL....
Preston doesn't eat much. He hasn't gained weight in over a year--just gets taller. So, when he didn't eat Friday I didn't put two and two together and realize he had the beginnings of the stomach bug going around Trinity. Well, sure enough, the morning of the Polar Express, poor little man had a round of the bug :( It was over pretty quickly but he could not travel that day. So, Nana and K-K really stepped up to the plate to change their plans to take him on Sunday. Mind you, when I called first thing Sat. AM to cancel there were no seats on Sundays train--but when the super sweet girl heard P in the background crying "I want to go to the Polar Express!" low and behold seats appeared :)
Preston says his favorite part of the trip to the North Pole was "dancing with the hot chocolate girl." I think we have a little charmer on our hands, folks! Another observation I can't help but make is that I ought to get a good picture with John Cole AND Preston with Santa this year...because he is obviously NOT afraid of him anymore. YAY!! You can tell his little coloring is not like it normally is--he looks pale--but the wonder in his eyes is what Christmas is all about....
THANKS again to Nana and K-K for taking him!!!! I love you both--and Preston does too!!!
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