It was such a treat to be invited to Becky and Hunter's today for a little Memorial Day celebration! I will have to say the Smiths are just fabulous hosts, and everyone had a great time. I did not lug the Canon to the party, just took a couple of shots on my phone, but I think you can get the idea that P and all the kids had so much fun not only in the pool but especially with the cool water toys. Preston was living it up--catching air going down the waterslide and playing with the big boys--he was exhausted! I got him down tonight with just one book and that NEVER happens. Hunter wanted to attempt a group shot of ALL the kiddos, and I got one, but I thought this shot taken when the kids were still in motion was funnier :) Happy Memorial Day everyone!
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Memorial Day Bash
It was such a treat to be invited to Becky and Hunter's today for a little Memorial Day celebration! I will have to say the Smiths are just fabulous hosts, and everyone had a great time. I did not lug the Canon to the party, just took a couple of shots on my phone, but I think you can get the idea that P and all the kids had so much fun not only in the pool but especially with the cool water toys. Preston was living it up--catching air going down the waterslide and playing with the big boys--he was exhausted! I got him down tonight with just one book and that NEVER happens. Hunter wanted to attempt a group shot of ALL the kiddos, and I got one, but I thought this shot taken when the kids were still in motion was funnier :) Happy Memorial Day everyone!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Fun in the Sun!
I don't know who is more excited that the pool is open for the year-Preston or Mommy! Now, if you know me at all you know that laying out in the sun is just about my favorite thing to do, and nowdays that P can float around the pool in his puddlejumper and be entertained for HOURS....well, let's just say it's a Win/Win :) Preston and I were the first people on the first Saturday of the pool season (can you believe it???) and had the pool to ourselves for a few so I got a few shots of him just floating around all by his lonesome having a blast. Georgia and Mrs. Joanna came shortly after we got there, and P and Georgia played together some. They sure did look like little Orient Expressed models in their coordinating blue searsucker swimsuits:) Don't really know why but the club served free hotdogs and hamburgers for lunch we all really enjoyed that. Then, we settled in for a few more hours in the afternoon. P was excited when Cull came, and they had a pretty heated watergun exchange. At about 2:30, it was time to call it a day. As I speak, Preston is chilling watching a movie, and I don't look for him to move soon. Hope you are having a good weekend. Jeff is taking me to dinner tonight to celebrate our 9th wedding anniversary...WOW! How time does fly--but we are still having fun!!!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Safari time!
There are SO MANY reasons Jeff and I are so grateful for being able to call Ruston home, but one of the most important is that we are so close to both of our families and are able to spend so much time together. I really can't fathom only seeing my Mom at Christmas and Thanksgiving!! My mom took these pics yesterday when she, Pop and Preston headed out to the Gone Wild Safari in Tioga. Tioga is near Alexandria and very close where my grandparents live (in Ball). So, Nana and Pop were gracious enough to keep Preston all day while Mommy gave people their medicine :) Hope you enjoy the pics--it sure looks like a fun time! I also included the pic of him swinging on the front porch swing at my grandparents. Oh, the hours Kendal and I swung on that swing.....Happy Weekend!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
It's almost here!!
There was almost a closure as we loaded Kendal's last shower gifts into the car today...the big day is almost here! I am so happy for my sister and her sweet fiance, and can not wait to share in their big day! As for now, just some pics from the shower :) Hope you are all enjoying this picturesque weather--just can't get much prettier than this. And as I type that I think how blessed we are to not be underwater so I send up a little prayer for those affected by the rising Mississippi. Have a great week!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Baby Parker-10 weeks

Did you know that the DR/tech turns the ultrasound screen away from you when they first start looking at early OB appointments? I have noticed this in my many trips to the ob. Thankfully, today, almost instantly Dr. LeBleu said, "Look, I can see the heartbeat already" as she turned the screen around to me. What a beautiful sight! I tell you, I never cease to be amazed at early fetal development. Anyone who has spent much time around me has heard me wonder aloud how someone could not believe there is a GOD when they witness the miracle of a developing embryo into a fetus and beyond. It is truly breathtaking and I feel blessed that God has chosen Jeff and I as parents to this tiny miracle. Although everything looks GREAT so far, please don't stop praying!!! We see the perinatologist on June 1st and are certainly not "out of the woods" yet. But, having said that, I just feel like if something were amiss, some sort of red flag would have been raised by now. I am doing by best to trust in God's as for today, we are super excited, admittedly a little apprehensive but all in all feeling very blessed. Much love to you all!!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Monster Truck Bash!
I was disappointed that I forgot my camera this morning to go to Kendal's holiday shower, but turns out it was a good thing because Jeff got to get a few shots of Preston at Davis' 3rd Birthday monster truck bash! I don't know what it is, but little boys LOVE trucks! Any kind: expensive, with lots of bells and whistles OR the dollar store versions; big or small; it does not matter! I was unable to attend the party, but I could tell Amanda went all out with the tires and rides in the big Jeep. Jeff said Preston ate hotdog and CARROTS at the party so that lets me know that boy was hungry :) Anyway, hope you are having a great Mom's day week. I could not be more grateful for my Mom and I hope that she knows how much I appreciate her!! Happy Mothers Day!!
***Pregnancy update***
Not to much to report-still feeling about the same. I feel like I am already getting HUGE but just today some Moms with 3+ kids were encouraging me that the growth does come more quickly but is not necessarily exponential. WHEW! Hoping to have another ultrasound when I go to the OB and get some good pics to post :)
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