I'm posting this mainly for the benefit of Nana, who has not seen my handiwork, and realize this is not terribly interesting. BUT, it's been a COLD January and there's not a whole lot else to report :)
I spent a lot of my time last week assembling/painting both of these pieces that are in P's "playroom." Truth be told, it is more like finished attic space but is warm in the winter, cool in the summer and PERFECT for a playroom because although it looks pretty organized now I can honestly sleep very soundly when it is a WRECK because no one sees it but us. Also, I gave Jeff a Wii for Christmas (really it was for ALL of us) and we got this new TV and the Wii set up in the room. We really enjoyed it the weekend of the ice storm, as Jeff and I were playing such a heated tennis match we were removing jackets because we were sweating--much fun!
Any opinion is appreciated--do the drawers need pulls? I think so--but Jeff says no because they have a groove in the top where they are meant to be pulled open. It needs SOMETHING.....
One quick story before I go. Yesterday afternoon, I was so excited to get P's crayons out becuase I bought him a $1 Curious George coloring book at Target. Well, he was not so excited about it and proceeded to EAT his green crayon. I was in the kitchen cooking, and he had it GONE before I realized it. I called poison control and they said not to worry and I also posted it on facebook and had about 10 people reassure me that kids will eat the darndest things. But really-this kid won't eat ANYTHING and he will eat CRAYON!?!?! Maybe I'm not meant to understand....
Hope you are all staying warm! My two running partners and I decided to X our outdoor runs this week, but are scheduled to run a long Friday morning. I guess it's time to get serious because I finally signed up for the Mardi Gras half in New Orleans. I have only run once, on the treadmill, and have been pretty stir crazy. Jeff chuckled when on Modern Family last week the husband character made a comment that his wife was like a border collie-had to be run every day or they get cranky. Yep, that's me :) Well, not every day....
Happy Wednesday!