This is one mamma that was very excited the sun came out today! I did something I NEVER do--woke P from his nap--so he would have some time to soak up the sunshine and play with his new outside Christmas toys. His new bike is from Granfather and Gran-Gran, and they brought it by early Christmas morning before he woke up, so we had not even told him about it. He was SO EXCITED to see it--but not too much into riding it. He told me, "I can't ride this I am just a little boy." Any tips on how to teach him how to ride? I did my share of running behind him pushing his feet with my dice..
His favorite new toy was--of COURSE--his remote control monster truck! Santa was not exactly sure if this was what P had in mind, but after seeing him play today I think Santa did pretty good :)
Had to include a picture of John Cole--precious angel baby! He is really enjoying his new bouncy seat from Santa, and I am enjoying his having a new "prop." I put him in the swing a couple of times last week and he was NOT having it. Seems like I remember P didn't like it right at first either so I will keep trying....
Hope you are enjoying this holiday week with your family and that Santa was good to you!