The inception of this little inner party began the day I could not BEAR to lug the Christmas tree to the attic. It really is on its last leg.....SO I made it into a Mardi Gras tree! Since I had a Mardi Gras TREE, I thought I needed some more Mardi Gras decorations. And since I had so many Mardi Gras decorations, I wanted to have a Mardi Gras party :) Also, at Christmas one of Jeff's clients gave him a SCRUMPTIOUS turducken that we needed friends over to help us tackle....
So, we invited Valerie and Sam Costanza and Joanna and Bart Dugdale over for a little dinner, wine and good company. I can not tell you how blessed I feel to have such great Christian friends. (And I should mention Valerie, shown left, is expecting a little girl in April so please keep her in your prayers!)
We had a great time, but hopefully weren't horrible hosts because we were tired from our day. Preston just can't seem to shake this runny nose and chest congestion so we took him to QuickCare yesterday and started a new antibiotic and steroid treatment. There are A LOT of sick kids at Trinity right now, and I am seriously considering holding Preston out of school this week--it could not have come at a worse time as I will be trying to get ready to leave but WORTH it if we can get him WELL! We'll see.
Lastly and actually most improtant, please say a prayer for my good friend Nancy Hunts little 7 week old son, Holt. He has RSV, pneumonia and a suspected case of the flu and had to be airlifted to Shreveport today. I have not talked to her today, but understand baby Holt is expected to be just fine but they need to keep him under better observation than our hospital in Ruston provides. I am sure she and her family will greatly appreciate your prayers :)
Hope your weekend is going great and GO SAINTS!!!!