I apologize to anyone who actually checks this blog regularly, but I have just not had many pictures to share lately! We actually have been pretty busy, but not with anything THAT terribly interesting :) Preston is REALLY starting to get fun, and his little personality is developing daily. He is such a CLOWN! He loves to make silly faces, and will be happy to mirror back a silly face you make to him. My New Year's resolution was no more baby food--and I have kept it for the most part. Preston's diet consists of waffles, bananas, GRAPES, fish sticks, chicken nuggets, popcorn shrimp, turkey, cheese, cookies, and SOMETIMES I can get some veggies in him. Not all the time. The only person he eats veggies for is his NANA-she got him to eat a BROCCOLI FLORET! I would not believe it had I not witnessed it!! He is getting more verbal by the day as well. I didn't voice this to anyone but my family, but there was a time that I was a little concerned about Preston's communication skills........but those concerns have been laid to rest! Let's just say I have gotten to experience my first "fits" with Preston and he can communicate JUST FINE :)
Jeff and I are really getting pumped about our snow skiing trip in a few weeks...but are going to be gone a whole week and will miss Preston TERRIBLY!
There have been some pretty sad things going on in Ruston these last weeks, and I just wanted to pause and give an update--and give GOD all the GLORY for the blessings in our life! All our best to each of you :)