Because we will be spending time away from Preston for the next TWO weekends, we wanted to make the most of this one as a family :) We took a family trip to Monroe yesterday (mommy and Preston have been a LOT lately, hehe!) and both Mommy and Daddy got a new TOY! Mommy got a wristwatch GPS to run with and Daddy got a new grill! (We tried out the grill Saturday night and it was GREAT!)
Today, our Sunday School teachers were attending their grandaughter's Christening out-of-town, so we just went to Worship together. Then, after a little nap for ALL, we headed out to Squire Creek to enjoy this BEAUTIFUL day! I ran this morning, and in the shade it was downright CHILLY...but I know it will go back to being hot soon enough...
As you can see, Preston had a BLAST on the course. Daddy only got to play 9 holes, but it really was fun. I feel really badly, though, as the first time I put him down on the grass he was kind of like, "EWWWW, what is this???" Shortly thereafter, he was ROLLING around on the grass---so much fun!! Well, not for mommy getting the grass stains out of the outfit, but I know this is something I need to get used to--RIGHT? Have a great week!