Sorry that I have not posted for a while--it's just there is not much to report!! Jeff and I both went to my OB appointment today (overnight bag in tow) with the hopes that for some reason Dr. Pennebaker would send us to St. Francis :) I have been having some contractions, but they are completely irregular and of course I was not having them at the office. I have been 1cm dilated and 70% effaced for 2 weeks now, and Preston this week had dropped even LOWER into my pelvis. But, he is having fun hanging out in my tummy for the time being. I am doing my best to enjoy this time before he comes but quite frankly cannot WAIT to hold him in my arms!!! In closing, IF he does not come before, we will be knocking on the ER admit door at St. Francis at 12:01 AM Wednesday, the 20th. Please keep Preston-and mommy too-in your prayers that day. Love to all-shelley